Lead Pastors
Bill & Vicky Smith
For many years, XChange Recovery's mission has been to bring long-term freedom and restoration to lives broken by substance abuse. Addiction Treatment with recovery support for your life.
You're wanted, needed, and loved.

The Xchange Church
We welcome all to worship with us at our church services!
Are you or a family member or friend struggling with addiction? Feeling out of hope, wondering if change is possible??
A curious community member? This is a great way to catch the spirit and heart of who we are and what we do. We encourage you to join us to discover hope, real world talk and fellowship.
Saturdays at 6 p.m. Service.

The XChange Youth Ministry
Whether they're suffering from addiction themselves, or someone they love is, peer support and guidance is an essential part of moving forward. Contact us for more info about how to connect with our youth program.